Sell Mahogany seeds ready for inter
Good news from the seeds of Mahogany
Do you know ? Mahogany seeds contain as many as 27 kinds of saponins and flavonoids as many as 33 species that can cure various diseases. These seeds have properties such as:
1. Make a healthy heart
2. Keeping the blood sugar condition
3. Streamlining defecation
4. Extending the life of malignant diseases
5. Meminimalisisr pain during menstruation.
6. Can improve fertility hormones Men and women
7. Adding weight
How to enjoy the mahogany seeds:
Mahogany seeds mashed or pureed, then brewed with hot water. And ready to drink.
Our products contain 15 seeds mahogany for 35000 rupiah (very cheap for the sake of your health)
foreign price: 10 US dollars
We READY TO SEND INDONESIA and to the rest of the world
If you interest, immediately order (via WA, SMS, BBM).
087738119247 or 5544df27
GOODS guarantee must be sent.
Greetings, Wassalamualaikum
Good news from the seeds of Mahogany
Do you know ? Mahogany seeds contain as many as 27 kinds of saponins and flavonoids as many as 33 species that can cure various diseases. These seeds have properties such as:
1. Make a healthy heart
2. Keeping the blood sugar condition
3. Streamlining defecation
4. Extending the life of malignant diseases
5. Meminimalisisr pain during menstruation.
6. Can improve fertility hormones Men and women
7. Adding weight
How to enjoy the mahogany seeds:
Mahogany seeds mashed or pureed, then brewed with hot water. And ready to drink.
Our products contain 15 seeds mahogany for 35000 rupiah (very cheap for the sake of your health)
foreign price: 10 US dollars
We READY TO SEND INDONESIA and to the rest of the world
If you interest, immediately order (via WA, SMS, BBM).
087738119247 or 5544df27
GOODS guarantee must be sent.
Greetings, Wassalamualaikum
Jual Biji Mahoni siap antar
Wr Wb
salam sejahtera untuk kita semua
Kabar gembira dari biji Mahoni
Tahukah anda ? Biji Mahoni mengandung Saponin
sebanyak 27 jenis dan Flavonoid sebanyak 33 jenis yang bisa menyembuhkan
berbagai macam penyakit. Biji ini memiliki khasiat diantaranya :
Membuat jantung sehat
Menjaga kondisi gula darah
Memperlancar buang air besar
Memperpanjang usia karena penyakit
Meminimalisisr rasa sakit ketika
Dapat meningkatkan kesuburan hormon
Pria dan wanita
Menambah berat badan
Cara menikmati biji mahoni :
Biji mahoni di tumbuk atau dihaluskan, kemudian
disedu dengan air hangat. Dan siap diminum.
Produk Kami berisi 15 biji mahoni seharga 35000 rupiah (sangat murah demi kesehatan anda)
harga luar negeri : 10 dolar amerika
Kami SIAP KIRIM ke seluruh penjuru INDONESIA dan dunia
Apabila anda minat, segera order (via WA. SMS. BBM).
atau 5544df27
Jaminan BARANG pasti terkirim.
Salam kenal, Wassalamualaikum
(Jual Biji Mahoni) |
biji mahoni |
(Jual Biji Mahoni) |
mahoni berkasiat |